AMD Mengumumkan Telah Pindah ke Nasdaq

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AMD (NYSE:AMD) mengumumkan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2014 secara resmi memindahkan stock exchange listing mereka ke The Nasdaq Stock Market dari The New York Stock Exhange, dan mulai secara efektif pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014 tepat ketika pasar tutup. Shares AMD diharap akan mulai diperdagangkan di Nasdaq pada 2 Januari 2015, dan tetap akan diperdagangkan di bawah simbol AMD.

“We are excited to join other industry-leading technology companies listed with Nasdaq and believe this move will help AMD reach investors and shareholders more efficiently and effectively as we continue transforming the company for long-term growth,” kata Devinder Kumar, senior vice president dan chief financial officer, AMD. “We are proud to welcome AMD to Nasdaq and look forward to a successful partnership with the company and its shareholders,” kata Bruce Aust, Vice Chairman di Nasdaq.***